Challenge of Day

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Microsoft Office Communications Server Requires Digital Certificate!

I tried to install the evaluation version of Office Communications Server Standard Edition to see how it works. Beside the hard time I had to install this software, To my eyes it is funny that this software does not work because it requires you to install a digital certificate otherwise it does not work.
I am not an expert guy but a digital certificate is a means for providing security. If you are going to evaluate a software, probably security is not your first check point. Why OCS does not notice that?

I have posted a message on the MSDN forums regarding this. You can review the thread at:

Be a winner in your daily challenges.

Ali Khademi

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Looking for ViewSat eXtreme 2000 Bin File

Looking for ViewSat eXtreme 2000 Bin File? follow the light.

Be a winner in your daily challenges.
Ali Khademi

P.S.: Do not forget to read Happy Family weblog at

Friday, January 23, 2009

Installation of Office Communications Server Fails !

I am stuck with this error message:
At the time of Delegate Setup Task, after presenting delegate information, I receive this error message:

Create OU Delegation Failure [0x80072030] There is no such object on the server.

I was wondering if somebody could give me a clue.

I am installing Office Communications Server 2007 on Windows 2003 Service Pack 2

To workaround this problem, most probably the setup delegate group you have created is a global group. You should make this group as universal though Microsoft Documents says global group will work also.

Be a winner in your daily challenges

Ali Khademi

Thursday, January 22, 2009

How to find out your computer's DN in your Active Directory

From time to time you need to know your DN (Distingueshed Name) for one of the objects (for example a computer) in your Network Directory or simply Active Directory in Microsoft terminology.
Usually here is DN for any given computer name (e.g. ALI) in your domain (e.g. BARIDSOFT.CA)
Here is a very simple VBScript that can help you find out exact DN for the computer name. To run this script, save it as SCRIPT.VBS and double click on it in Windows Explorer:

Dim sDNSDomain, oTrans, sNetBiosDomain, sAdsPath, sComputer, oUser
Dim WshNetwork : Set WshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")

' Determine DNS domain name from RootDSE object.
Dim oRoot : Set oRoot = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE")
sDNSDomain = oRoot.Get("DefaultNamingContext")
' Use the NameTranslate object to find the NetBIOS
' domain name from the DNS domain name.
Set oTrans = CreateObject("NameTranslate")
oTrans.Init 3, sDNSDomain
oTrans.Set 1, sDNSDomain
sNetBIOSDomain = oTrans.Get(3)

' Use NameTranslate to convert the NT user name to the
' DistinguishedName required for the LDAP provider.
oTrans.Init 1, Left(sNetBIOSDomain, _
Len(sNetBIOSDomain) - 1)
oTrans.Set 3, sNetBIOSDomain & sNTName
sAdsPath = oTrans.Get(1)

' Bind to the user object in AD with the LDAP provider.
Set oUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & sAdsPath)

' Use NameTranslate to convert the NT name of the computer
' to the DistinguishedName required by LDAP.
' Computer names must end with "$".
sComputer = InputBox("Please enter Computer Name, hit enter if Local PC.","Enter PC Name", "Local")'
If ucase(sComputer) = "LOCAL" then
sComputer = WshNetwork.ComputerName
ElseIf IsEmpty(sComputer) Then
Msgbox "No Name, Exit"
End If

oTrans.Set 3, sNetBIOSDomain & sComputer & "$"
sAdsPath = oTrans.Get(1)

' Bind to the computer object in AD with the LDAP provider.
Set oComputer = GetObject("LDAP://" & sAdsPath)
'Should be able to add objComputer.DeleteObject (0) here to delete the PC.

msgbox sAdsPath

Also there is another useful tool, name is ADSIEdit.msc which you can find it in "c:\program files\support tools" folder. This MMC will give you a complete list of DN of your directory.

Be a winner in your daily challenges!
Ali Khademi
P.S.: Do not forget to read and follow Happy Family weblogs at

Friday, January 9, 2009

Looking for ViewSat eXtreme 2000

Looking for ViewSat eXtreme 2000 Bin File? follow the light.

Be a winner in your daily challenges.
Ali Khademi

P.S.: Do not forget to read Happy Family weblog.